
Inaonyesha machapisho kuanzia Aprili, 2021

Lube -Oil

Lube - Oil Scheduled Maintenance WHAT IS IT The process of draining old engine oil, removing the old oil filter, adding new engine oil and installing a new filter element. WHY DO IT Your engine oil performs many functions. It stops all the metal surfaces in your engine from grinding together and tearing themselves apart from friction, and it transfers heat away from the combustion cycle. Engine oil must also be able to hold in suspension all the nasty by-products of combustion like silica (silicon oxide) and acids. Finally, engine oil minimizes the exposure to oxygen and thus oxidation at higher temperatures. It does all of these things under tremendous heat and pressure. Over time the additives blended with the base oil stock product break down and no longer do the job that they where designed to do. Also the oil base itself becomes saturated with contaminants and dirt. WHEN TO DO IT Every 5,000 km. Modern day oil change intervals are a hot topic of discussion these days due to vehicl...